Sport Tecnology



Pulsera de Actividad Fit Flex-Naranja
Podómetro de Calorías Vitaminder 3031-Blanco
Monitor para Natación Garmin Swim-Azul


The content of the description must be original and attractive to the client. You may not copy information from official product pages or from other sites.

The description should contain the following elements:

  1. The logo, brand name, images and / or videos should not be used in the body of the description.
  2. Product name in <h2> format.
  3. Main benefit of the product: Describe the main function for which the product is made, for example, if it is a bracelet to monitor the heart rate and record the sport activity.
  4. Product Use: Explain briefly how the product works. For example, if it is a monitor-wristband, indicate that it should be placed at the time of sporting activity and synchronized with a smartphone to transmit the data.
  5. Physical Characteristics: Design issues, materials, battery requirement, etc.
  6. Special Features: Special brand technologies such as water resistance.


Are the main features of the product, are always shown next to the main images.

  1. Main benefit of the product: Cardiac monitor, weight meter, etc.
  2. Design features: Fit, materials, etc.
  3. Product Energy: If you use batteries, it is solar, etc.
  4. Compatibility with technological devices: Mobile equipment, computers and operating systems.
  5. Additional feature: For example, proprietary technology.



Product specifications must include the following information:

  • Color: White, black, red, etc.


Filters are tools that allow the classification of products according to certain attributes. For the customer are very useful as it allows you to quickly find the items you want. The filters to be placed are as follows:

  • Color: White, black, red, etc.