1. What is UPC, EAN, GTIN, ISBN or Barcode?

It is the unique number or code with which a commercial product is identified worldwide. Each product has a unique code according to its value and variation.

This number or code serves as an element of international standardization and is provided by different companies dedicated to this function.

Important Considerations Regarding UPC:

  • They are composed only by numbers.
  • Valid lengths are: 8, 10, 12, 13 and 14 characters.
  • It must have no spaces or other special characters.


2. Where do I locate my barcode if I’m a distributor?

In the following pages you can validate the UPC of your products

  • http://www.upcitemdb.com/
  • https://www.upcindex.com/
  • https://www.barcodelookup.com/

3. Which products don’t have bar codes?

To sell jewelry or small brands at Linio, contact your Sales Consultant or Partner Support Center to help you generate an internal code for your product.

4. What I do?

  • I am a manufacturer: I am selling products and services of my own brand.
  • I sell kits that I put together.


Contact your Sales Consultant or Partner Support Center to help you generate an internal code for your product.


Important Considerations

Click here to know the information you need to provide to generate the internal code.