Fitness Equipment



Caminadora Athletic Extreme 3900T-Negro con gris
Elíptica magnética Fitness Station KC-7.8-Negro
Ejercitador Abdominal Evolution AB PRO XT-Gris
Bicicleta Spinning Extreme 2500BS-Gris con negro


The content of the description must be original and attractive to the client. You may not copy information from official product pages or from other sites.

The description should contain the following elements:

  1. The logo, brand name, images and / or videos should not be used in the body of the description.
  2. Product name in <h2> format.
  3. Technical specifications of the product, for example, grip systems, maximum support, materials, speeds, muscle groups that it works, etc.
  4. Recommendations for use
  5. Legal: Results vary depending on diet, exercise plan, etc.


Are the main features of the product, are always shown next to the main images.

  1. Machine specific functions
  2. Muscle groups working
  3. Components: gripping systems, pulleys, extra parts
  4. Number of programs
  5. Speeds: this characteristic will depend on the exercise device
  6. Maximum weight supported by the machine
  7. Material of the main components
  8. External connections: for example, Wi-Fi, TV. wireless connection, headphones, among others.
  9. For Health Monitors: For example, heart rate, cadence, calories, etc.



Product specifications must include the following information:

  • Size: Product dimensions in centimeters as follows: Length X Depth X Width (26x16x5)
  • Weight: Expressed in kilograms and with a single figure after the decimal point. For example, if a product weighs 20 kilograms, the figure 20 will be entered.
  • Color: for example Black with Red, Yellow with Black, Green with Blue, among others.
  • Product guarantee


Filters are tools that allow the classification of products according to certain attributes. For the customer are very useful as it allows you to quickly find the items you want. The filters to be placed are as follows:

  • Color: White, black, red, etc.
  • Engine Power in Horsepower
  • Number of Programs