

Artist+Name of the Disc + Format

Katy Perry Prism CD
Robbie Williams Greatest Hits (3 CD)

*If the album has extra material, like a DVD or a book, it has to be mention in the section of format

Thalia Habítame Siempre Edición Especial (CD+DVD)
Varios The Annual Compilation 2013 (5 CD+1 DVD+1 Libro)


Content description has to be original and attractive for the client. It is not allowed to copy information from official websites or any other websites.

Description must include the following information:

  1. Logos can’t be included, brand name, images and/or videos in the body of the description.
  2. Name of the product in <h2> format
  3. Album Review: Mention history and album concept, composes, rhythms, songs names.
  4. Awards (If the case): Mention if the product has been awarded.


Are the most important features of the product, are always shown next to the main images.

  1. Year release
  2. Format: CD, Acetate, etc
  3. Record Company



Product specs must include the following information:

  • Publisher: Record Company or Cinema Producer
  • Year: Year the product was released


Filters are tools that let us classify products according to specific features. These are very useful for clients as they allow them to easily find the products they want. Filters must be added like this:

  • Gender: Pop, rock, regional, etc