

Product names should have the following guideline:


 Principios Básicos de Traumatología
La Insoportable Levedad del Ser

NOTE: Remember that every word of the book’s title is with capital letters, except the connectors (for example, a/an, of, the, by).


Content description should be original and attractive for the client. It is not allowed to copy information from official websites or any other site.

Description should include the following elements:

  1. Logos, images and/or videos can’t be included in the body description.
  2. Product name in  <h2> format
  3. Book Review with a recommended extension of 150 words (if the case).
  4. Additional information (If the case): Awards received by the publisher, important author details, among others.


Are the most important features of the product, are always shown next to the main images.

  1. Author
  2. Saga (If the case)
  3. Language
  4. Editorial
  5. Pages
  6. Year
  7. Edition
  8. ISBN (When they have the info)


Images gallery of the category of Books should include the following information.


Product specs must include the following information:

  • Number of Pages: 155 pages.
  • ISBN: International Standard Book Number which is unique and given to every publication; is formed by 13 digits. For example 9786070000000
  • Edition Number: For example 3a.
  • Editorial: Company that edits and publishes the book
  • Date of first and Last Edition. For example: 1a 2001, 2a 2015 
  • Brand: Complete the field with the editorial that published the book


Filters are tools that let us classify products according to specific features. These are very useful for clients as they allow them to easily find the products they want. Filters must be added like this:

  • Language
  • Bookbinding type: Hard or soft (Do not fill out in Argentina and Chile if the info is not 100% accurate).
  • Author